Description: As a result of intensive industrialization and urbanization that has continued uninterruptedly since the ...December 27, 2024
Description: This book will highlight the role of CE in the sustainability field as it ...October 31, 2024
Description: For decades an increasingly rapid urbanization pace, modern industrial development, and constantly intensive agricultural ...June 11, 2024
Description: This chapter discusses a study on using machine learning techniques for mine waste management ...May 14, 2024
Description: This study examined two case studies in Turkey on sustainable resources and ecosystem resilience. ...May 14, 2024
Description: This study focuses on the city and risk-hazard interaction, one of the most significant ...March 5, 2024
Description: This book seeks to contribute to the most recent discussions on Citizenship, Culture and ...March 5, 2024
Tanımlama: Gelecek nesillerin sağlıklı ve dengeli bir çevrede yaşama hakkı, küresel iklim değişikliği ve doğal ...May 16, 2023
Description: Sustainability is an important term for addressing global environmental challenges, raising public awareness, and ...August 9, 2022
Description: While urban settlements are the drivers of the global economy and centres of learning, ...March 14, 2022
Description: The effects of climate change are beginning to be felt around the world with ...April 14, 2021
Description: This book aims to analyze contexts and perspectives in the relationships between environmental sustainability, ...February 1, 2021
Description: Nanomaterials for Soil Remediation provides a comprehensive description on basic knowledge and current research ...December 2, 2020
Description: Nanomaterials for Air Remediation provides a comprehensive description of basic knowledge and current research ...November 11, 2020
Description: This book provides insights on a broad spectrum of renewable and sustainable energy technologies ...November 11, 2016
Description: Since 1950s, Turkish economy has been facing crises periodically. Decisions taken after the crisis ...April 6, 2013
Description: Increase in electricity demand and environmental issues resulted in fast development of energy production ...December 6, 2011
Kitap hakkında Enerji var olan dünyanın oluşturulmasında ve yeniden şekillendirilmesinde en önemli girdi olarak karşımıza ...October 11, 2011
Genel Enerji Kaynakları (Kitap içinde bölüm, Yazarları: A. ALAT, A. YÖRÜKOĞLU, H. SAYGIN), Dünya Enerji ...December 6, 2004